Thursday, January 14, 2010

Dubuque and Clinton

After our stop in Waterloo, we headed on over to Dubuque to speak at their annual Economic Forecast luncheon. This is the Chamber of Commerce's annual gathering. It drew a record crowd this year, showing just how strong the economy is in Northeast Iowa.

It was great to join them in celebrating Dubuque's success.

With nearly 20 years in an elected office, I have been to Dubuque many times. And I can tell you that we I first there it was in rough shape. Time had taken its toll. Many of the manufacturing jobs had left the community and some people thought that Dubuque was a city that was lost.

Well, they were wrong. Starting a decade ago, the state began partnering with local officials, and by working together Dubuque has undergone a rebirth. Vision Iowa pumped millions into the community and did exactly what it was supposed to do - it made this community the center of commerce again in the tri-state region.

And last year we worked together again - this time to bring IBM to the community, and its 1300 jobs. Its amazing to see all that has happened here and I'm glad that the Culver/Judge Administration was able to play a role in its growth.

After making a longer than expected stop to get my cell phone fixed we headed on down to Clinton (And by the way, the young lady that helped me in the US Cellular store went way above and beyond. Thanks!)

We had a great stop in Clinton at DJ's Rib Shack. More than 25 people turned out at this restaurant, which got off the ground thanks to state investment through the Targeted Small Business program. TSB had been dormant for years when the Governor and I took office. However, we revitalized the program, and now it is helping minorities, women, and people with disabilities turn their ideas into reality.

It was a great way to end the day and I just may take some of their ribs in the car with me - although I'm not sure they will last until I get home.

Well, our whirlwind tour is done for this week. I hope to be out on the road next week so stay turned for more adventures across the state.

Until next time,


1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for visiting Clinton, and our restaurant, DJ's Ribshack. It was a pleasure meeting you and listening to what you had to tell us. DJ and Melinda James
