Monday, March 1, 2010

Albia - Kendall Elementary

We are just rolling out of Albia after a great stop in my old stomping grounds.

I always love coming back home, and I regret that I am not able to get back as often as I would like.

We started out by having a little fellowship wiht some friends at the library. Afterwards, I decided to take the staff over to lunch at a famous Albia haunt - Smitty's Sandwich Shop. I had what everyone has - a tenderloin. President Obama came here back in 2007 with my sons Joe and Dien to do a little campaigning and for some Albia hospitality. In fact, there is a photo on the wall with the President and two of my sons marking the occasion.

After that, we swung by Kendall Elementary. This is where by oldest son, Doug, went to kindergarten, and now it houses their state-funded preschool program.

This was really fun. When we arrived, they were dancing and having fun. Then it was time to learn the letter of the week. I read them a book about a worm and his wagon (guess what letter they were learning). Finally, they did some artwork using white paint. In case you didn't figure it out, the letter was "W".

Before I left I asked them what they did all day. A cute little kid named Nathan piped up - "We have fun". And that's exactly what school should be. At these preschool programs, the overarching theme is that while kids are learning, they are having fun doing it. And because they are, they are going to be better learners in the future.

It was sad to see the hometown grow smaller in the rearview mirror. But alas, the show must go on. Now we are just about to roll into our last stop of the day - Centerville.

Until next time,


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